Random Thoughts of a Flower Farmer

We have been trying to learn as much as we can about soil health, soil biology, beneficial bugs and flowers, composting, the flowers themselves and about business.   We are always learning and trying something new and figuring out what works and what doesn’t.   It is just a big science experiment here on the farm.

Kevin started a compost pile with our thoughts on conservation and organic practices.  We do not use any artificial fertilizer, herbicides, or pesticides.  This has brought us to learning more about no-till farming, cover crops, mulch to suppress weeds, microbiology ecosystems, beneficial plants, sacrificial plants (to keep certain predators from eating our money crops).  We are still figuring out what and how we can implement them on our farm.  We are always looking at ways that work for us while still be good stewards of the land.

Kristi works as an environmental engineer which reminds her daily of the harmful impacts chemicals can have as she investigates and designs the cleanup of contaminated sites.  This is one of her big drivers for wanting to do better with our land and help mother nature the best we can.

With no real background in horticulture or floral design, we have been talking with our local florist, master gardeners, listening to podcasts, attending webinars and in person field walks, and following many other flower farms to decide what direction best fits us.

Thanks to many friends and neighbors who have been very generous in helping us expand our varieties of perennials and berries.